
MetaOasis DAO and its partner Season Studio reveal stunning designs of the DAO’s HQ in the sandbox

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MetaOasis DAO, a DAO focused on opportunities in metaverse lands space, released an update on the progress of its proposed headquarter in The Sandbox, a metaverse project built on blockchain technology. The update showcased some pictures of the work-in-progress HQ to provide a hint of interesting things to come.

As mentioned in MetaOasis DAO’s medium article, the overall setting of their HQ is a city built upon ruins of a mysterious and advanced ancient civilization, with Moroccan-style architecture.

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Season Studio lead designer Rjet explained why Moroccan architectural style is chosen: “Moroccan style architecture will definitely appear well as voxel arts in the Sandbox. We would also like to take this opportunity to commemorate the world-renowned Spanish architect Ricardo Bofill, who recently passed away. Many of Ricardo Bofill’s works were inspired by elements of Moroccan style.”

In the coming weeks, MetaOasis DAO will continue to release more information on what interesting experiences they are building in their HQ. MetaOasis DAO has an ambitious long-term vision of becoming a gateway to investment in metaverse land development, and this HQ is the first step it took to establish its presence in the metaverse.

If you are interested in learning more about the opportunities in metaverse lands, it should be worthwhile to take a deeper look into MetaOasis DAO.

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