Oxenfree available for Netflix users for free

Earlier last week during the Tudum event, Netflix announced the release of one of the beloved indie games called Oxenfree. It is now available to download and play for free on Android and iOS devices through its game service. Fans were really eager to see the release of the game on Netflix as the company acquired the game developers Night School Studio last year.

Netflix has added a number of games to their service such as Arcanium: Rise of Akhan, Into The Breach, various Stranger Things game adaptations. Meanwhile, Oxenfree is slated to be one of the most favorites of fans due to its gameplay style and storytelling.

Oxenfree is a 2D side scroller indie game developed by Night School Studio and was released back in Jan 2016. A user plays as Alex who is out with friends while some strange supernatural phenomenon starts occurring. The game provides a lot of choices that really drives the gameplay and the story direction which has been loved by a large number of players.

Adding the game to the service is expected to attract new customers for Netflix and serve as a retention ploy as the company has not been doing well in the games department since its launch. Oxenfree offers a lot of different choices to players that can lead to different endings and take a lot of time to complete. It helps to drive more engagement especially when all the other games are played by less than 1% of their subscribers.

The studio has also announced a sequel for the game called “Oxenfree 2 : Lost Signals” which is going to be released sometime in 2023, but for now they have more games coming to their platform like “Spongebob: Get Cooking” and “Desta: The Memories Between” in the hopes of upping their player count.

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