The Indian government is considering imposing time and spending limits on online and real money games to address gaming addiction among children and young...
A young woman from Hyderabad, distressed by her losses in online games, pretended to rob her house in Rajendranagar. The incident unfolded on Thursday...
A recent joint report by real money gaming (RMG) firm Winzo and the Interactive Entertainment and Innovation Council (IEIC) suggests that despite the growing...
In 2024, India's real-money gaming sector finds itself navigating through a challenging landscape marked by regulatory upheavals, legal battles over tax issues, and a...
According to sources, the Union government is considering softening its stance on the goods and services tax (GST) demand notices issued to online gaming...
To boost its presence in the Indian gaming industry, Metaverse and gaming tech company OneVerse have acquired online poker start-up Spartan Poker and allocated...
The police in both Udaipur and Salumber districts have intensified their efforts against online fraud and online gambling. Acting on information received, Salumber SP...
Ahmedabad's cybercrime police have achieved a milestone in their fight against gambling by registering the state's first case of live online gambling. The crackdown...
A sorrowful incident unfolded in East Godavari district. Ernena Lakshminayudu, a young man from Srikakulam district, working in the quality control department of a...
Google has announced significant changes to its approach to real-money gaming apps on the Play Store in India, Mexico, and Brazil, effective from June...