The news of Battlegrounds Mobile India coming back has not even crossed and now roster shuffle have already begun to take place in Indian PUBG Mobile community. Orange Rock Esports announced the departure of Harmandeep “Mavi” Singh from their active PUBG Mobile roster.
A a tribute to the veteran player Orange Rock Esports, published a three-minute video on YouTube, congratulating him on the success and wished him good luck for his future endeavors.
Mavi has represented Orange Rock for all the tournaments in the last few years and have produced incredible results. This departure will bring big change in the existing roster of Orange Rock only time will say who will become Mavi’s replacement in OR’s team and which organization he signs in next.
Mavi was recently signed by 8Bit Creatives, a talent management agency lead by 8Bit Thug and 8Bit Goldy. 8Bit Creatives have signed Mavi as a part of their talent roster which hosts big names like Mortal and Scout, does that me Mavi will join S8UL? Only time will say!