Mobile Premier League (MPL), India’s unicorn gaming platform, in association with Missing Link Trust has started #SaveOurMissingGirls campaign to spread awareness of Human Trafficking. This campaign starts on 30th July, United Nation’s World Day against Trafficking in Persons, and will last for a week.
In April, MPL launched the world’s first anti-trafficking game, MISSING developed by Missing Link Trust. The game, available in Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Telugu, Gujarati, Maithili and Tamil, is targeted at a mature audience and provides the experience of the dark world of human trafficking and raises awareness about it.
MPL will spread awareness with the help of technology and online gaming which they believe will be effective in eradicating human trafficking. They will be using this campaign to alert and educate people with a role-playing game.
“Technology has a big role to play in the prevention of human trafficking and we believe online gaming can be an interesting way to sensitive people and raise awareness about eradicating human trafficking. One of the key objectives of the #SaveOurMissingGirls campaign is using games to make more people alert. We have received an overwhelming response from MPL’s users on Missing ever since its launch on our platform,” Namratha Swamy, MPL India Country Head said in a statement.
MPL also revealed that an average of 1,827 women are trafficked every hour in India and the numbers are increasing and that around 40% of them are adolescents and children too.
“Human trafficking is the second largest organized crime in the world and the numbers are alarmingly increasing across the world and in India. Nearly 1,827 women are trafficked every hour on average in India resulting in almost 16 million women victims of sex trafficking every year, according to a Dasra report. 40% of these victims are adolescents and children,” the company added.
The role-playing game gives users a platform to play a missing girl and experience the dark world of human trafficking. The game also provides trapped users the option to make choices to get out of this world.
“The Missing game comes under the genre of ‘Games for Change’ by tackling the first ‘P for Prevention’ of the United Nation’s four Ps against trafficking. We think this campaign along with our collaboration with the MPL platform, with a strong 90 million, will be a game-changer in ensuring a wide reach for the game and making millions of people aware of the menace,” Leena Kejriwal, head of Missing Link Trust, stated.