Dream Sports foundation partnered with Indian football legend Bhaichung Bhutia under their “Dare to Dream” program. The program aims to identify 35 talented football players in India and train them to achieve their goals and dreams, and increase the growth of football in India.
“Dream Sports Foundation continues to be an integral partner in our mission to provide equal opportunity to leverage the potential of our budding footballers. The expansion of the ‘Dare to Dream’ program and the increase in the number of participants is a testament to the country’s growing intrigue and potential to becoming a football nation,” Bhaichung Bhutia said when asked about the dare to dream program.
DSF was started by Dream Sports, one of the largest fantasy sports platforms, as a means of growth for promising football talent in India. DSF launched the program in partnership with the Bhaichung Bhutia Football Schools Residential Academy in Meghalaya. Trials are being held across Siliguri, Shillong, Imphal, Bishnupur and Guwahati and today is the last date. Around 650 players from across the nation participated in the trials and are now eagerly waiting for selection results on October 1st.
Bhaichung Bhutia is also joining DSF as an advisor to have a more meaningful impact on the program. DSF will also be working towards providing coaching and training equipment as well as nutrition, accommodation and education for the players.
Bhavit Sheth, COO and CFO of dream sports, said, “We are thrilled to extend our partnership with Bhaichung Bhutia Football Schools, who share our vision to Make Sports Better. The program supports budding athletes to date, and we look forward to helping many more achieve their dream of representing India in International football.”
The final 35 participants will receive education at the Army Rifles Public School while also training and competing in various national and international level tournaments.