Durg police have seized Rs 600 crore from 12 fake accounts that were being used to transfer the proceeds to the masterminds of notorious illegal betting app Mahadev book. The accounts were created in different cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata and the amounts were being sent to the directors of Mahadev Book, Saurabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal, using these fictitious accounts.
Obtaining information on the operators of Mahadev Book is ongoing. SP Dr. Abhishek Pallav called a meeting of all the gazetted officers, station and outpost in-charges after learning about the fake accounts. He gave the order to continue taking actions in the case, according to Naidunia.
During the meeting, Pallav ordered to take decisive action and stop Mahadev Book from promoting online gambling, along with forming a plan to arrest the owners of the illegal betting app.
According to the police, Mahadev Book’s operators may be receiving crores of rupees through a number of similar shell accounts. The authorities have already started gathering information about these accounts in an effort to stop the funds from reaching the masterminds, Saurabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal.
Not only the Durg police but several others are also working to stop this illegal betting network’s operations. Last month, the 17th suspect in the case was arrested in Noida. These 17 suspects were estimated to have defrauded the users by more than Rs 400 crore in two months using the Mahadev Book betting application.
The head of the group, Sachin Soni was not arrested during the first raid where the police arrested 16 people. During the raid, the police seized 12 laptops, 73 smartphones, 19 cheque books, six passbooks, 90 ATM cards, 58 sim cards, six passports, two vehicles along with some documents.
After further investigation and interrogation, the police found that the group usually made Rs 250–300 crore on average each month using the Mahadev book app. Their network is not limited to India but is spread across 11 countries.