Bengaluru’s Indiranagar on Saturday witnessed a raid after residents complained of a recreation club organizing large scale gambling. The raid was conducted at the Phoenix Poker Room, a club that sits on the second floor of a multi-storey building along the Shri Krishna Temple road in Binnamangala, Indiranagar’s 1st stage.
Deputy commissioner of Police, S D Sharanappa confirmed that the club was organizing gambling sessions and that a police team is conducting mahazar, aka recreation of the crime scene. “We can confirm arrests or cash seizures only after that,” he was quoted as saying by the Deccan Herald.
The place in question is a poker club, which the residents describe as a “den of illegal activities.”
The police took action against the club after the residents escalated the matter to police chief Kamal Pant, CCB chief Sandeep Patil and DCP Sharanappa.
The residents raised an alarm after they noticed 15 cars dropping off close to 40 people at the Phoenix Poker Room. A female resident also pointed out that she saw a “female ushering people in.”
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According to the resident, she once caught a man while he was trying to escape from the club by descending from the second floor using the water pipes. A video shot by the residents show that four other men also descended in a similar way after throwing a wad of cash at their associates.
The residents suspect that the police had some involvement in the case and knew what was going on inside the club. They also suspect that the police might have received bribes from the club, hence choosing not to act.