Macau will be hosting the Global Gaming Expo (G2E) Asia casino trade event in-person this year. After the cancellation of the 2020–2022 events due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the event will be the first casino event after since 2019.
The G2E Asia event will be installed in Singapore at Marina Bay Sands, a gaming complex run by Las Vegas Sands Corp., according to the organizers, and will take place from May 30 to June 1.
Macau will also host the event, “Asian IR Expo + G2E Asia 2023,” from July 11 to July 13 at the Venetian Macau owned by Sands China Ltd, a subsidiary of Las Vegas Sands.
Jointly organised by Reed Exhibitions and the American Gaming Association, the G2E Asia event was held every year in Macau from 2007-2019. The 2020 show was delayed three times because of the coronavirus outbreak, and ultimately cancelled due to persistent travel and business restrictions.
According to the organizers, as per a GGRAsia report, the Singapore event is for “gaming professionals to network and conduct business, and the content will be focus on gaming.”
“The focus will be on integrated resorts, with profile extended beyond gaming. This will be an invaluable platform to drive business diversification and get expert insights on Macau’s latest economic development,” added the organisers.
“The events running in Singapore and Macau could perfectly serve the needs of the gaming and non-gaming sectors in Asia. The Singapore event in May falls nicely in the global gaming event calendar, and allows our customers to go back to their normal routine of attending all the major global gaming events,” the organisers added further.
Meanwhile, as per a recent release by the Statistics and Census Service (DSEC) the number of casino workers in Macau saw an increase of 1200 in December 2022 as compared to the previous month.
With Macau opening the borders for visitors this year, the casinos saw a huge number of visitors, mostly from mainland China during the Chinese New Year. With visitor count reaching as high as 90,000 in a single day, requirement for more people at many hotels and hospitality establishments have also opened up.