Illegal online betting platform fairplay, which was also among the banned websites by the government, is still continuing to promote false advertisements on its Instagram account and claiming to be the number one betting website in India despite gambling being illegal in India.
The company is continuously releasing promotional campaigns with influencers and actors from the TV show and have previously collaborated with movie stars like Sanjay Dutt and Jacqueline Fernandez.
While the original domain for Fairplay was banned, the website now uses an alternate domain to bypass the ban. A few days ago, we covered how Lotus365 uses the same Instagram promotion method to lure in users.
Offshore websites like these change domains regularly to avoid bans. Earlier, they used surrogate advertisements that posed as news websites with the same logo and name. The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting advisories have helped ton down these advertisements.
While a proper framework for regulating online gaming is still under process, the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) have made it clear that they are aware of current situations and working on a solution.
At the moment, fair play and 100 more websites were banned by the government but have again started using different domains. The full list of all banned websites can be found here.