Palghar police issued a circular directing that no police officer should play or have online rummy or gambling apps on their phones, reported Saamana. Palghar SP Dattatray Shinde said playing such games would impact the image of the police. The police boss had directed senior officials to check mobiles of their juniors and uninstall apps related to rummy, poker, and gambling apps. Senior police official mobiles would be checked by the sub-divisional authorities.
The police officers who are found using these apps will be counseled and be under observation. Shinde had directed superior officers to keep a close watch on the employees found using these apps and ensure they are not diverted to using them again. This is the first reported instance of the police department asking its men to avoid rummy, poker apps.
Meanwhile, Nashik Police Commissioner Deepak Pandey had this month stated that online gambling apps should be banned and punishment should be increased for the offenses of gambling. The police officer said that the Maharashtra Control of Organised Crime Act and Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities Act should be imposed on such activities.
In September, the Nashik Commissioner of Police submitted a detailed report to the Legislative Estimates Committee recommending amendments to the existing Maharashtra Prevention of Gambling Act, 1887. Pandey said they have booked 14 cases in the past three months on roulette gaming operators and the legislative committee had responded favorably to their report.
In September, State Relief and Rehabilitation Minister Vijay Vadettiwar had called for a ban on online gambling apps. Vijay Vadettiwar then said that he would discuss the matter with the Home Minister. In the past three years, several states had enacted stringent laws to restrict online gaming activities including the Maharashtra neighbours Karnataka and Telangana. A petition is currently pending before the Bombay High Court for the declaration of ludo as a game of skill.