Blockchain-based NFT gaming platform recently featured on Shark Tank India with co-founders Akshay Khandelwal and Rahul Singh seeking Rs 80 lakh in exchange for a 1% equity stake. claims to be the world’s first sports-based social gaming platform where cricket enthusiasts can earn money with their passion for and knowledge of the sport. was established by the duo along with Neeraj Jhanji and launched in March of last year. Harsha Bhogle, a well-known cricket commentator and analyst, also joined the company as a strategic investor recently. The duo mentioned that the app was active in more than 125 countries and more than three lakh games have been played on the platform.
Speaking about the game, Rahul explained that currently it consists of three areas. These include arena, live cricket lounge and marketplace. Arena is the place where players can compete in a PVP match against each other. Live cricket lounge acts as a leaderboard where people can see the top players and the marketplace offers different NFT-based cosmetics and stadium skins.
Users can find and play games, own in-game items, participate in tournaments, and finish the blockchain gaming loop by using the in-game asset utility and wallet on this blockchain-powered platform.
Although the co-founders were unable to strike a deal on the show, the sharks were enthusiastic about the idea and gave them valuable business advice. The most significant being realizing the value of fostering community-led growth as opposed to focusing only on performance-based results. They emphasized the importance of carving out a place in the fiercely competitive market in the long-term.