Independent Journalist Thulasi Chandu has appealed to the Chief Ministers of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, YS Jagan Mohan Reddy and Revanth Reddy to ban online betting sites. She wrote a long post on X (formerly known as Twitter) and also shared a video of her interviewing a person affected by an online betting scam. Her post brings to light the prevalence of online betting scams plaguing the youth of both states. Through her post, Thulasi has shed light on the consequences of rampant online betting, particularly among vulnerable youth populations.
In a recent YouTube video titled “Betting apps in India Telugu,” popular YouTuber Prapancha Yatrikudu discussed the rise of betting apps in India, focusing on various aspects, including their impact on teenagers, potential regulatory changes, and downloading apps from the Google Play Store. He expressed concern about the use of betting apps among teenagers, noting that some apps are marketed towards this demographic.