All India Trinamool Congress unit’s Goa In-Charge Mahua Moitra on Saturday condemned Union Tourism Minister, G Kishan Reddy, for his alleged remarks branding Goa as the ‘casino capital‘ of the country. Reddy who was in the city to inaugurate tourism projects said people consider Goa as a casino capital and the government can provide a formal tag if there is a demand.
Speaking to the media persons, Moitra an MP from West Bengal said she was surprised by the Union Minister’s comments while adding that his choice of words reflects the poor mindset of the ruling BJP.
“The Union Tourism Minister came to Goa and said that people have already declared it the casino capital and that there would be nothing wrong if it is officially named so if it helps the state. Human beings go to different cities in the world to do a lot of things. But I have not seen any official ministry give it a tag on that basis. There are people who go to Bangkok to do things they can’t do in their home town. It doesn’t mean Bangkok will get that particular tag,” Mahua Moitra said. “Goans don’t want to live in a land which is called the land of casinos. They want a government that ensures that no one wants to name it as the casino capital.”
Meanwhile, NSUI Goa president Naushad Chowdhari said that the comments establish a connection between the BJP government and the Casino lobby. “BJP has once again proven to be anti-Goan, which works against the sentiments and requirements of the people,” he was quoted in a report by Herald Goa. Chowdhari said that in the upcoming assembly elections, Goans will vote for Congress against the casino backed BJP party.
Aam Aadmi Party leader Rahul Mhambre also strongly condemned Reddy’s comments. He said, “the BJP party had launched an agitation against casinos ahead of the assembly elections in 2012. BJP had fought the election on the issue of removing offshore casinos from the Mandovi, but over the past 10 years despite running the government, the party has failed to relocate them.”