A group of gaming-associated companies in India have requested Prime Minister Narendra Modi to introduce a uniform and fair treatment policy of all gaming entities in the South Asian market, following India’s ban of Krafton’s game Background Mobile India. The group wrote a letter to the PM and described the ban as an “unfortunate event”.
The letter further described the government’s move that such decisions run contrary to the established principles and deny opportunities to a “generation of youth” in India. The letters were signed by the founders of Story Pix, Outlier Games, Lucid Labs, Roach Interactive, Uniplay Digital, Godspeed Games and four more firms, as per a TechCrunch report.
“Arbitrary decisions run counter to established principles and will deny opportunities to an entire generation of youth in India,” the letter read, regarding the ban. “While capital and infrastructure are critical to the survival and development of the industry, the leading global video gaming companies with their experience and next-generation technology are needed for establishing a robust gaming eco-system in India. Therefore, we seek a uniform and fair treatment of all entities operating in India,” added the letter, which was reviewed by TechCrunch.
“There is a greater need for a clear set of standards and framework to ensure fairness and uniformity to all stakeholders. The industry wishes to proactively engage with the government in forming a robust set of video games-centric policies based on global best practices,” the letter added.
Meanwhile, global investors in Indian gaming startups requested the government to retain the Goods and Service Tax (GST) rate that is currently in place on gross gaming revenue instead of total deposits in a letter addressed to Finance Minister Sitharaman, on July 10. This comes amid rising concerns regarding the recommended rate of 28 per cent, which could be finally adopted by the GST council. The current levy is fixed at 18 per cent for skill games.