The Madras High Court is likely to pronounce its judgment on the petitions challenging the Tamil Nadu government’s ban on online gaming with regards to online poker and rummy played with stakes on 3 August. The Court’s ruling is bound to have widespread implications for India’s burgeoning online gaming ecosystem especially with several court battles being fought across states in the country and more on their way.
Since its inception, G2G News has been closely tracking the online gaming landscape in India particularly at the intersection of business and law. Our team has closely followed and reported the proceedings in the Madras High Court with regards to the challenge by various gaming companies over the sweeping ban on online games like poker and rummy by the Tamil Nadu government.
Continuing with our endeavor of aiming to bring the most reliable news and information around litigation and legislation within the online gaming domain, G2G News will be hosting an important discussion on Clubhouse this week on the impending Madras High Court ruling.
Topic: Decoding the impact of Madras High Court’s verdict on India’s online gaming ecosystem
Join us:
Date: Friday, 30 July 2021
Time: 4.30 P.M. onwards
Speakers: Jay Sayta ( Lawyer & Advisor G2G News ), Siddharth Sharma (Head of Strategy, Head Digital Works), Akshat Gupta (Founder, G&J Partners), Roland Landers (CEO, All India Gaming Federation)
Moderator: Ranjana Adhikari (Partner, Indus Law)
Apart from detailed reportage across online gaming regulation and law, G2G News also hosts a weekly show on YouTube titled Game on with Jay Sayta. The video series is aimed at understanding India’s complex online gaming landscape from the eyes of some of India’s most important names in the gaming business.
The show, so far, has been guests such as Games24x7’s co-founder Bhavin Pandya, GOQii’s Vishal Gondal, founder and MD of Nazara Technologies Nitish Mittersain among others.