PokerStars executive launches poker platform to play with AI-powered bots

PokerStars’ former director John Caldwell and Full Tilt Poker executive Bob Williams have joined hands to launch a non-fungible tokens (NFT) and artificial intelligence (AI) based poker platform.

Named PokerAces, the project aims to cater to the needs of casual players looking for a friendlier gaming environment without pro players, reported GamblingNews.

PokerAces wishes to introduce all interested gamers to quicker and more engaging poker games with the help of AI-designed poker bots. The bots will have one-of-a-kind gameplay styles with PokerDNA embedded into their NFT metadata. The platform aims to harness the usefulness of bots and real-time assistance software.

The gamers must combine their poker abilities with their capacity to decide on essentially the most appropriate bots as companions. As a way to be a part of the poker races, gamers might want to own or hire NFT bots.

The new project aims to target casual players who have expressed their dissatisfaction regarding a large number of high-level professional players in the industry. Users can also play one against another for real money on behalf of their holders during poker races.

This will help create more balance on the playing field said a news report. A standard tournament with 1,000 bot players will reach the final stages in no more than three minutes. By comparison, regular online poker rooms with real-life players currently require a few hours to reach the same stages.

Eventually, the holders of the bots will need to take over their bots and get to play for the big wins. In related news, last month, a new casino called Astro Club House was inaugurated in EL Salvador dedicated to NFTs and NFT trading – a first of a kind in the world.

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