Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin on Friday ordered the formation of a committee to recommend an ordinance against online gambling in the state. The committee will be headed by retired High Court Judge K Chandru. The announcement comes at a time, the opposition parties have intensified protests demanding ban on online gambling.
Today, PMK president Dr. Anbumani Ramadoss has announced mass protests in Chennai. Ramadoss said that the state government has failed to amend the law even after the court had suggested the government enact a law to regulate online gambling.
CM Stalin’s order comes days after a 29-year-old resident in Chennai allegedly killed herself on June 6 after she lost 20 sovereigns of gold jewelry and Rs 3 lakh in an online rummy game. The victim, a mother of two started online gambling during the first lockdown, continued to play in the hope of earning big someday despite warning from her family members.
Ever since the decision of the High Court in August 2021, the opposition has been demanding the government enact a fresh law. Last week, AIADMK coordinator and former CM O. Panneer Selvam (OPS) demanded the DMK government ban online rummy and other games. Referring to Chief Minister Stalin’s statements, OPS said so far no action is taken by the DMK government. Earlier this week, former CM E. Palaniswami lambasted the government for delaying in enacting a gaming ban law.
Earlier this month, the Tamil Nadu government announced that it will form a special investigation team to inquire into the death by suicide of persons who were caught in a debt trap by online gambling. A Superintendent of Police from the Crime Branch-Criminal Investigation Department (CB-CID) would lead the SIT.
Tamil Nadu DGP C. Sylendra Babu recently warned the public that playing online rummy could lead to debt and suicide. The top cop said the number of people losing money and jewellery due to online gaming has increased in the last few months.