Nearly a year after the Kerala High Court set aside a state government notification prohibiting online rummy games, The New Indian Express reported that an amendment proposal to impose a total ban on online rummy that is blamed for several suicides is on.
The State had banned online rummy last year through a notification under gambling act. Responding pleas by Head Digital (A23) and other rummy platforms, the High Court revoked the ban. The Government is now contemplating to bring a ban again in the context of suicides by some of those who lost lakhs in the rummy ‘gamble’. Similar to neighbouring Tamil Nadu, the issue has taken a political colour with the opposition demanding a ban on online rummy.
The Home department has handed over the recommendation filed by State Police Chief Anil Kanth to the Department of Law. The response was that the Government can go ahead with the amendment. The move is to amend Section 3 of the Kerala Gaming Act 1960.
This time the Kerala government may bring a loophole-free amendment so that playing rummy online for money is totally prohibited.
Nieghbouring Tamil Nadu has recently constituted a committee which recommended a ban on online rummy. It was reported that the Tamil Nadu cabinet was unanimous on banning online rummy. Currently, the decisions by Karnataka and Madras High Courts quashing online gaming ban laws are under challenge before the Supreme Court.