Bacchu Kadu, a prominent political figure, has claimed that the suicide of Sachin Tendulkar’s bodyguard was due to an addiction to online rummy. Kadu...
Prakash Govind Kapde, the personal bodyguard of former cricket Sachin Tendulkar and a native resident of Jamner, ended his life by shooting himself with...
An illegal online betting application named IPL 2024 BT has resorted to using deepfake technology to promote its services, featuring the business tycoon Mukesh...
A disturbing trend of digital scammers exploiting celebrities' images through deepfake technology has emerged, with a recent video featuring Indian cricket icon Virat Kohli...
Skyward Aviator Quest, an online gaming application site, is facing legal trouble after it utilized deep fake technology to manipulate an old video featuring...
In the dynamic landscape of online gaming, a pressing concern has recently emerged regarding the misuse of artificial intelligence (AI)-based deepfake technology. This sophisticated...