An illegal online betting application named IPL 2024 BT has resorted to using deepfake technology to promote its services, featuring the business tycoon Mukesh Ambani and cricketing sensation Rohit Sharma. The fabricated video, circulating across social media platforms, depicts Ambani and Sharma endorsing the illegal app, promising winnings during the ongoing Indian Premier League (IPL) season.
The deepfake video begins with Mukesh Ambani addressing viewers, claiming, “You all know that IPL has started. We have created the first betting app where we have your chance of winning to 95%. IPL is attracting millions of our fellow citizens to the screens. To all who download the app, we will give 37,000 rupees to your deposit.”
Following Ambani’s claims, the video transitions to Rohit Sharma, who adds, “Be in the game. Mumbai Indians are performing this season. And in honor of that, we are giving you 1000 rupees free bet in our app. And right now, you can start earning from it. Place a free bet on your favorite team and matches in our app. Win and change.”
This marketing tactic is the latest in a series of incidents involving deepfake technology being exploited to promote various betting applications. Previously, similar videos featuring renowned cricketers Virat Kohli and Sachin Tendulkar had surfaced, causing alarm among authorities and the public alike.
Experts warn that such practices not only mislead consumers but also pose risks, including potential financial losses and the continuation of gambling behavior. The use of deepfake technology further complicates the matter, as it becomes challenging to discern genuine endorsements from fabricated ones.
As the IPL season progresses, the issue of illegal betting promotion continues to loom large, highlighting the need for action to safeguard consumers and preserve the integrity of sports and online entertainment.