Delhi Police arrested a man who robbed a jewellery shop with a toy gun. It was later found out that he had to settle debts that he had incurred due to online gambling. The 36-year-old, named Rinku Jindal, was arrested on August 25, Thursday. The store owner said that Jindal had covered his face with a handkerchief during the robbery.
Anurag Garg, the store owner, said the accused robbed ten gold chains and INR 20,000 at gunpoint. The CCTV footage was analysed later, and the police found out that he was seen crossing the road and boarding an e-rickshaw. However, the police officials could not trace him completely as he vanished in the traffic.Â
They also learned that Jindal had a plastic bag, with the name of a Saket-based company, in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand. The police team started working around the area to find any suspects. It was almost after a week of continuous work, the police officials began to suspect that the accused was Jindal, who lived in Ambedkar Nagar, Shalimar Bagh, as per India Today reports.
Meanwhile, Jindal was previously arrested for robbing a bank in Prashant Vihar on March 2, 2019, and was released on December 30, 2019. According to the reports, Jindal had no source of income and was addicted to online gambling. On Thursday, he was detained by a team of Special Staff from Haiderpur in Shalimar Bagh.
Seven of the ten gold chains he had stolen were retrieved from his possession. He had mortgaged one chain, which weighed 76 grams and took a loan of INR 260,000. He had to settle a debt of INR 150,000 that he had lost during online gambling. The remaining INR 90,000 was also seized from him. The clothes and footwear that he wore during the robbery, and also the toy pistol, were also seized.