Srinivasan, a young employee of a private financial institution from Mangat, Kanchipuram district, took his own life after succumbing to the pressures of online gambling debts and continuous humiliation from lenders. The incident has sparked calls for urgent government intervention to control the growing activities of online gambling addiction.
Expressing his condolences to the family and friends of Srinivasan, Dr. S. Ramadoss, Founder of the Pattali Makkal Katchi (PMK), condemned the lack of action from the Tamil Nadu government in addressing the issue of online gambling addiction. Srinivasan’s story is a reminder of the consequences of unchecked online gambling, which has claimed multiple lives in the past six months alone.
Srinivasan’s drop into misery began with substantial losses in online gambling, leading him to borrow large sums of money from various sources, including online apps. Despite attempts to pay back his losses, he found himself trapped in a cycle of debts. The final blow came when an online app turned to public shaming tactics, sending defamatory photos of Srinivasan to his relatives and friends for failing to repay a loan.
Dr. Ramadoss highlighted the need for government action, pointing out that Srinivasan’s death is just one among many casualties of online gambling addiction. He criticized the Madras High Court’s ruling that exempted certain online games from the Online Gambling Prohibition Act, allowing platforms like rummy and poker to operate freely. Urging the Tamil Nadu government to appeal the verdict and seek a stay in the Supreme Court, Dr. Ramadoss emphasized the importance of action to prevent further loss of innocent lives.
Despite pleas from Dr. Ramadoss and others, the Tamil Nadu government is yet to take decisive action to address the issue. With lives at stake, Dr. Ramadoss urged authorities to expedite the legal process and seek a stay on the Madras High Court judgment to protect vulnerable individuals from the clutches of online gambling addiction.