After being announced as the winner of the Onam bumper lottery, Kerala resident Anoop says that regrets winning the prize amount of INR 25 crore. An auto-driver by profession, Anoop said that he has lost all peace of mind winning the lottery.
Anoop had taken the lottery ticket from a local agent near Pazhavangadi Ganapathi temple. According to Bhagavathi agencies, he purchased the ticket from his close family member, Sujaya, who was a sub-agent of the agency.
After the deduction of mandatory tax and other charges, Anoop will get a total sum of INR 15 crore.
“I have lost all peace of mind, and I can’t even reside in my own home as I am besieged with people who come calling to ask me to sort out various needs of theirs as I have won the first prize. I now keep changing where I stay as I have lost all peace of mind that I enjoyed till I won the prize,” he said.
“Now I really wish I should not have won it. I, like most people, really enjoyed me winning for a day or two with all the publicity. But now, this has become a menace, and I can’t even go outside where I stay. People are after me, seeking help from me,” he added.
Anoop said he has not decided what to do with the prize money. He also said he will deposit the winning amount in his bank account for at least two years.
“I have not decided what to do with the money, and at the moment, I will put the entire money in the bank for two years. Now I really wish I should not have this; instead of this, maybe a lesser amount of prize money would have been better,” Anoop added.