New details have emerged from the ongoing investigation by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in the Mahadev Book illegal betting app case. It is learnt that the masterminds Saurabh Chandrakar and Ravi Uppal partnered with Dawood Ibrahim‘s brother Mushtaqeem Ibrahim Kaskar to develop and run a similar app in Pakistan.
Kaskar is said to be overlooking the operations of an app named ‘Kheloyar’ in Pakistan. It has also come to light that Kaskar has provided Chandrakar with security guards and 20 to 30 bouncers.
Currently residing in Pakistan, Kaskar is said to move across the UAE and Saudi Arabia regularly. He fled from India back in 1986 with other family members and currently runs businesses under benami names across the UAE, Pakistan and Saudi Arabia.
Chandrakar came in contact with Kaskar through powerful connections in the UAE. Kaskar was impressed with Chandrakar’s business model, which was generating Rs 200 crore a day, and so he asked him to make a similar illegal betting app for Pakistan. Kaskar is also said to have gifted both the masterminds a villa in Saudi Arabia, reported India Today.
Kheloyar is another infamous illegal betting website operating across the Indian subcontinent. Several advertisements of Kheloyar have previously been spotted in India with prominent actors like Govinda, Neil Nitin Mukesh, promoting it. Interestingly, the illegal betting app was also one of the sponsors of the Lanka Premier League in Sri Lanka.
The reports further reveal that Chandrakar has been provided bulletproof vehicles by Kaskar and is living and moving around with a tight and large security cover in Dubai. Since the investigation began, Chandrakar has reduced his public appearances. Most of his meetings now take place in private residences or resorts with the places thoroughly checked out prior to his arrival.
Kheloyar is one of the 60 identified illegal betting apps running under the Mahadev book network. These apps lure in people with promises of huge returns, but are designed in a way that the operators are the ones who make the most money out of it.