Netflix ramps up hiring for Cloud Gaming sector

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Global streaming giant Netflix has stepped up its hunt for professionals as they look to move ahead in pursuit of its dream of making it big in the Cloud gaming sector taking head on some of the biggest players like Sony PlayStation Now, Google Stadia, Apple Arcade, and Amazon Luna.

According to Protocol, the leading streaming platform is open to hiring a security product manager with expertise in handling ‘cloud gaming challenges’, a rendering that can support Netflix’s ‘cloud gaming service’, and other related positions at the company.

Although Netflix’s ‘Stranger Things’ themed games have done well, their recently launched mobile games like ‘Into the Breach’ and ‘Before Your Eyes’ have garnered abysmal ratings with only 1 percent of Netflix’s subscriber base indulging in the mobile games. App analytics company Apptopia estimated an average of only 1.7 million people engaging with the games daily which is less than 1 percent of Netflix’s over 221 million subscribers.

Netflix is venturing into cloud-based gaming to expand its wings in the gaming sector

The streaming giants wish to launch at least 50 fresh gaming titles by the end of the year in a bid to relaunch themselves in the online gaming marketplace and while the mobile games have not panned out exactly as they wanted to, the cloud-based gaming service might help them grab attention, especially targeting the younger generation.

“Cloud gaming makes a lot of sense for Netflix. Not only would it allow the company to bring its games to the TV screen without having to rely on game consoles alone, the cloud is also an environment Netflix is very familiar with,” the report mentioned.

Netflix has leveled up its game in the gaming sector since November last year, rolling out games in between show releases to keep the audience engaged. The games need to be downloaded as separate apps from the play store but are only accessible to Netflix subscribers. Netflix has revealed American video game and software developer and publisher Epic Games and video hosting service TikTok among its biggest rivals.

