Dholpur DST team recently arrested 16 people taking part in illegal gambling activities during a raid under the supervision of SP Manoj Kumar. During the raid, police seized INR 2,28,000 from the site.
According to assistant sub-inspector Ghanshyam Chahar, the DST team arrived at where the individuals were gambling after receiving a tip-off from an informant about some gamblers on Dussehra Road in the vicinity of the Nihalganj police station.
The arrested individuals were Mahendra Singh, Talib, Deepak, Asraf, Farid, Mukesh, Basant, Vijender, Shakeel, Ajay, Siraj, Nasir, Shamim, Laxman, Manish, and Brajesh.
Chahar of the DST team also reported that a district-wide drive to apprehend criminals and deal with illegal gambling, betting, etc., is being carried out on the orders of Superintendent of Police Manoj Kumar. This anti-gambling measure was implemented during the same campaign.
These anti-gambling measures have also started in different states. In Goa, four people from Delhi were arrested for taking illegal bets during the Pakistan Super League (PSL) live cricket matches.
After the raid, Superintendent of police Nidhin Valsan said, “The bets accepted from the customers were INR 3 lakh for the match. They were operating gambling activity using mobile phones; all the five mobiles worth Rs. 2 lakh were attached.”
Another 16 were arrested in Delhi for running gambling operations in Dakshinpuri. The police seized over 60,000 in cash during the raid. DCP Chandan Chowdhary revealed that the gamblers were charged under the relevant section of the Delhi Public Gambling Act.