For allegedly taking part in illegal gambling activities, the Digboi Police has arrested six people on the night of Friday, February 24. The arrest was followed by a raid at the Digboi Kalibari Housing region of the Tinsukia District.
The six arrested were identified as Manuj Kr. Jaiswal, Suraj Choudhary, Kishore Choudhary, Amitabh Gogoi, Mukul Bhattacharya, and Bishnu Jaishy and are being charged for participating in illegal gambling and betting activities.
According to a police source, five of the accused are from the Tipam Road neighbourhood and one is from the Muliabari neighbourhood. Inspector Dibya Jyoti Dutta said, “Based on credible information regarding an ongoing act of gambling in one of the rented house reportedly hired by one Adharam Yadav in Kalibari area, we raided the house and busted the den,” as reported by SentinelAssam.
A total of INR 30,320, four mobile handsets and 2 two-wheeler vehicles were seized during the raid. Another police source said that these cases are not uncommon to the area. Several people take part in these organized gambling activities in abandoned residential quarters.
Following his victory in the 2021 Assembly elections, Digboi Legislator Suren Phukan declared he will have zero tolerance for any kind of gambling. Police are also working hard to crack down on these illegal gambling activities.
Meanwhile, in New Delhi, a police official reported on Friday that 16 gamblers active in the South Delhi district had been arrested during a raid.
The South District police’s narcotics squad received a tip-off one someone running gambling operations in Dakshinpuri and raided the area. During the raid, police seized over INR 63,000 in cash.
In his official statement, the Deputy Commissioner of Police, Chandan Chowdhary said, “On Thursday, a trap was laid, and a raid was conducted where 16 people were gambling. On checking, calculators, carbon papers, pens, scale paper chart having chits, flex chart having pictures, written chits, papers, and cash of INR 63,410 were recovered from their possession.”
“A case under the relevant section of the Delhi Public Gambling Act was registered at the Ambedkar Nagar Police Station on Friday and an investigation was taken up,” he further added.