Zynga on Monday announced its tie-up with the short video platform TikTok. The gaming company will launch a new HTML5-based game, “Disco Loco 3D,” exclusively on the short video platform. The casual game is a single-player endless runner where players collect their own dance moves while challenging friends, avoiding obstacles and collecting medallions as they walk down a catwalk, similar in spirit to Zynga’s “High Heels.” The game will be available in select markets in the initial stages.
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“We see a tremendous opportunity to reach new audiences across the globe through TikTok’s massive and unparalleled user base. We are thrilled to announce Disco Loco 3D as the first HTML5 title to debut on their platform from an official game studio partner,” Bernard Kim, President of Publishing at Zynga was quoted in a press release. “Zynga has a rich history of creating games that utilize platforms’ unique user experiences to bring fresh and fun concepts that resonate with players wherever and whenever they get their entertainment.”
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TechCrunch reported that TikTok is also in discussions with other game makers. The company earlier this year launched its own game “Garden of Good,” in association with nonprofit Feeding America for charitable fundraising. Zynga’s integration of Disco Loco 3D is a more traditional game, although it’s not currently monetized, said a report by TechCrunch. The game would not feature any in-app purchases or revenue share on the game’s earnings, for example. The game will primarily be used to measure TikTok users’ gaming appetite.
The partnership news was announced alongside Zynga’s Q3 earnings, where the company reported revenue of $705 million, up 40% year-over-year, and bookings of $668 million, up 6% year-over-year. “We delivered strong quarterly results ahead of guidance, including record Q3 revenue and bookings primarily driven by another standout quarter from Rollic’s hyper-casual portfolio,” said Frank Gibeau, Chief Executive Officer of Zynga.
In a separate press release, Zynga said it hired a former Coca-Cola exec, Matthew Wolf, to lead its blockchain gaming business. “Wolf will focus on the opportunity to integrate non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and blockchain technology into Zynga’s existing portfolio and owned IP, as well as to develop games from inception that are built with NFTs as part of the core gameplay loop,” read the press release.