The Madhya Pradesh High Court has sent a summon to the MP Government in relation to the non-presentation of law to control and regulate activities of Online Gambling in the High Court. The MP High Court also included non-issuance of the date of keeping the online gambling regulation in contention to be considered in the Legislative Assembly. Justice Vivek Agarwal has given instructions to present the draft within seven days. He also made strong remarks regarding the government’s attitude.
Justice Vivek Agarwal of MP High Court has also mentioned that in the previous hearing date, the government had clearly told the court that a committee of state’s senior secretaries is up for the development of a law related to online gambling activities in the state and had also asked for a three months time window for the same. It was understood that post the formation of the law, it would be sent for approval in the assembly; however, nothing seems to have been done on the government’s part.
As per Zee News‘ report, Justice Vivek Agarwal’s bench has also sent a direction to the Principal Secretary of the State, Additional Chief Secretary Home Department of the State regarding the presentation of the draft law within seven days and also informed the court as to when the Online Gambling Bill may be considered in assembly for approval.
Court withdraws government’s appeal
Since most parts of the work have been left undone by the MP State Government, the High Court made a rather negative remark that if the related officers do not present an affidavit until the next hearing, they will be liable for personal representation in the court. In a series of events, the court has also annulled the demand of the government to withdraw the previous time limit of three months. The new hearing date for the said case will be held on Tuesday, March 21.