has signed Bollywood star Shahid Kapoor as their new brand ambassador. After bringing Kapoor on board it has been learned that PokerBaazi will soon unveil its latest marketing campaign that also includes the launch of its TVC (television commercial).
By welcoming the ‘Kabir Singh’ actor as their brand ambassador, the skill-based gaming platform aims to create a robust ecosystem in India regarding Poker and make it a household game. Speaking more on this association, the chief executive officer of mentioned that they have found a perfect match for their brand and hailed the actor’s constant drive for experimentation.
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With this association, we take a step further in our larger goal of creating a Poker ecosystem in India: PokerBaazi CEO
“With Kapoor, we found the perfect match for our brand as not just his personality, but also his constant drive to experiment with his craft beautifully, blends with our vision to enable a new sport to get its desired recognition in the country. With this association, we take a step further in our larger goal of creating a Poker ecosystem in India and making it a household sport. We look forward to a successful collaboration and with our upcoming campaigns hope to drive valuable discussions around the PokerBaazi story,” Navkiran Singh, founder and CEO, Baazi Games said.
PokerBaazi claims to be a law-abiding online game website in India which was established in 2019. The company aims to bring a radical change in India’s online gaming industry. Meanwhile, recently celebrated a landmark of a billion hands played on its online platform which is another of its well-deserved milestones in India’s fastest evolving poker ecosystem.
Participants must be over 18 years of age to play this poker game. At the same time, there is also a 24×7 customer support team available on chat to support the players if they have any queries regarding the game. Apart from this, there is also an FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) section that helps the users on the go.