Krafton India, the Indian wing of the South Korean gaming company and the creator of BGMI, has launched Bullet Echo India, a PvP tactical top-down shooter game specifically for Indian gamers. The game was launched in collaboration with ZeptoLab, the Spanish gaming company known for Cut the Rope, reported IGN India.
Available on Android and iOS devices, Bullet Echo India offers an experience with content and special features catering to India.
The game, although announced today, had its soft release on April 4 and climbed to the top spot across various categories on the Google Play Store. Bullet Echo India already has over 500 thousand downloads on the Google Play Store and has a 4.4-star rating. The iOS users seem to be more enthusiastic with the game receiving a 4.6-star rating on the App Store. These ratings reflect the response from the gaming community.
The game introduces four India-themed heroes named Maharani Sparkle, Dancer Mirage, and Raja Slayer, adding a layer of immersion with elements from India’s rich culture and history. Additionally, a collaboration with BGMI brings the mascot, Stalker, to the Bullet Echo Universe.
Krafton India has partnered with Indian esports organisation S8UL for the launch of Bullet Echo India. S8UL will serve as the official talent partner, leveraging its creator roster, including Mortal, Scout, Regaltos, Snax, JokerKiHaveli, PayalGaming, KaashPlays, and more, to create engaging content around the game on YouTube. This collaboration follows their partnership for the launch of Road to Valor: Empires last year.
Bullet Echo India offers players a multiplayer PvP experience, inviting them to form teams, devise strategies, and engage in battles to emerge as the last team standing, akin to a battle royale. With its localised content, strategic gameplay, and support from prominent figures in the Indian gaming community, Bullet Echo India aims to establish itself among Indian gamers.