In a crackdown against online gambling activities, police in the Supela, Newai, and Padmanabhpur areas of Durg-Bhilai district have taken necessary actions. On Sunday, the Supela police apprehended two individuals operating the Mahadev app’s panel near a hookah bar. Similarly, the Newai police caught two suspects engaged in online gambling while driving around in a car. Additionally, Padmanabhpur Chowki police also apprehended two suspects involved in betting on live cricket matches using a new betting app. This recent apprehension adds to a series of arrests linked to the Mahadev app over the past few months.
As reported by etvbharat, the main operator is identified as Chiranjivi Bhathi who was arrested by the police based on information gathered from sources. Bhathi was found to be facilitating betting on IPL cricket matches through the Cricket Live Guru app, which he had encouraged individuals to install.
In another development, based on information received, the police detained Rishabh Gupta and Rishabh Tomar, who were operating the Reddy Anna panel from a car near the Neve Dam. The police found them engaging in online gambling activities using laptops and mobile phones.
The Newai police also arrested Lakshyadeep Dahariya and Shivam Singh Tomar, who were found gambling online using the Reddy Anna app while sitting in a car near the dam area.
In a separate incident, the Supela police received information about gambling activities at VIP Cafe, leading to a raid where they arrested two suspicious individuals, Pranshu Gupta and Rishabh Gupta. The raid yielded several items associated with online gambling, including hookah pipes, flavored tobacco, mobile SIM cards, checkbooks, and laptops.
Subsequent investigations revealed that the arrested individuals were involved in transactions of gambling proceeds into various bank accounts in Riva, involving individuals named Rahul Tamrakar, Ritik Tamrakar, Niraj Sahu, and Purnanand Gaur. Following this disclosure, the Bilai Nagar CSP immediately coordinated with the Riva police to conduct raids at the locations of these four suspects, leading to the arrest of four additional individuals.
During the raids, the police seized laptops, mobile phones, bank passbooks, and cash totaling Rs. 10,000 from the suspects apprehended near the Moroda Dam.
All the arrested individuals are now facing legal actions under relevant sections, with further investigations ongoing into their activities.