During the Chhattisgarh election campaign, Union Home Minister Amit Shah commented on the Congress party and former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel. He said that while there have been numerous scams in the country, no one has ever committed a scam in the name of God, referring to the Mahadev App scam, Mahadev being another name for Lord Shiva.
The Navbharat Times reported about Shah’s rally. The Home Minister stated that during the Congress party’s rule, scams like 2G, Commonwealth, and Bofors occurred, but none were done in God’s name. However, Bhupesh Baghel didn’t even spare Lord Shiva; he orchestrated a scam worth 508 crores in the name of Mahadev. Despite engaging in scams like coal, food, and sand, he shows no signs of exhaustion.
Shah further remarked that if Congress leader Bhupesh Baghel says it’s Monday today, one must believe it’s Sunday because he never speaks the truth. He had promised to ban alcohol but instead, rivers of alcohol flowed.
Addressing a public meeting in support of BJP candidate Santosh Pandey in the Rajnandgaon Lok Sabha constituency, Amit Shah said that after indulging in corruption, Bhupesh Baghel is now nurturing dreams of becoming a Member of Parliament. In this Lok Sabha election, we must defeat Bhupesh Baghel with a greater margin than in the assembly elections. He further stated about developing Chhattisgarh and making it a naxal-free state.
The Enforcement Directorate has earlier filed a chargesheet on January 1 naming Baghel as one of the accused in the Mahadev App case. However, Baghel denied the accusations and said that it was a ‘political conspiracy’. On March 17 2024, Chhattisgarh police field an FIR which mentioned Baghel as one the accused of the scam worth Rs. 6000 crores.