At Raigarh district in Chattisgarh, Kharsia Police, led by Sub-Inspector Sanjay Kumar Nag, conducted a raid based on a tip-off. The raid occurred during...
The Chhattisgarh Economic Offence Wing/Anti Corruption Bureau (EOW/ACB) conducted raids at 29 locations across five districts to investigate the Mahadev betting app scam, which...
Chhattisgarh police have arrested 26 individuals from Maharashtra in connection with a betting racket operating during IPL matches through online platforms, including the Mahadev...
Former Chief Minister of Chhattisgarh, Bhupesh Baghel, raised questions about the central government regarding the Mahadev app. Contesting elections from the Rajnandgaon Lok Sabha...
During the Chhattisgarh election campaign, Union Home Minister Amit Shah commented on the Congress party and former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel. He said that...
In December 2023, a video went viral showing a few assailants beating a person in Durg district of Chhattisgarh. Police have now successfully arrested...
A meeting has taken place regarding the Mahadev Betting App case, discussing legal proceedings through the ACB (Anti-Corruption Bureau) based on the prepared report...
On the fourth day of the ongoing budget session in the Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly the Mahadev betting app case resonated throughout the proceedings. As...
Chhattisgarh Home Minister Vijay Sharma made a significant announcement today in the state assembly regarding the infamous Mahadev app case. The Deputy Chief Minister...
A significant development has emerged from Raipur regarding the Mahadev App. The presentation of two accused individuals is scheduled for 17th January, and it...