Pratapgarh police of Rajasthan, on Saturday, October 14, successfully arrested Mrugank Mishra, one of the close associates of Mahadev Book mastermind Saurabh Chandrakar. A team of police officers detained and arrested Mishra upon his arrival from Dubai at the Mumbai Airport.
Mishra had been hiding in Dubai from the last two years and was helping Chandrakar operate the illegal betting app that siphoned thousands of crores from Indian users. Pratapgarh SP Amit Budhaniya even issued a lookout notice against him some time ago.
In co-ordination with the Mumbai Police, Mishra was nabbed upon landing at the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport. The Rajasthan police have assumed Mishra’s custody and a case has also been registered against his name.
Originally from Ratlam, Madhya Pradesh, Mishra also owned a flat in Kandivali region in Mumbai. Notably, his links to the illegal betting network of Mahadev Book was confirmed from Kandivali itself. During a raid at his premises, the police found several documents. Further investigation revealed that Mishra and his associates opened over 1,600 illicit bank accounts for illegal betting operations.
The police quickly froze 90 high profile accounts, of which 68 had transactions worth over Rs 2,000 crore. The operators made majority of their transactions during the 2023 IPL season.
Superintendent of Police (SP) Amit Kumar revealed that the amount is just an estimate, indicating that actual amount could be much higher.
“We are examining other accounts to obtain a clear estimate and understand the total amount of betting that was transferred to these accounts,” SP Kumar said as per FPJ.
Mishra and his partners used Mahadev Book’s ‘conventional’ methods for operating
Police investigation revealed that Mishra was in charge of arranging new bank accounts and SIM cards. Further, these accounts were used to proceed countless illegal transactions worth crores. The operatives targeted people from lower-income groups for obtaining fake accounts, luring them with a few thousand rupees.
Mishra used to dupe these people with promises of providing monthly payments through government schemes and obtain their personal details to open bank accounts and obtain SIM cards. These accounts were then used for illegal transaction from their betting app.
The police in different states are on the lookout for these operatives that are siphoning money through hawala channels. Most recently, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) raided premises of multiple individuals having links with Mahadev Book’s racket.