Simple Viral Games (SVG), a hyper-casual mobile gaming platform, today announced raising Rs 4 crore (US$500,000) in a pre-seed round led by WEH Ventures. The round also saw participation from Eximius Ventures, PointOne Capital, Force Ventures and a few angels including Ankit Agrawal (Founder and CEO of InsuranceDekho), Prashant Sachan (Founder and CEO of AppsForBharat).
Founded in December 2022 by Rahul KR and Sourav Badami, SVG aims to give the best mobile gaming experience to Bharat (India). This hyper-casual gaming platform shall serve users from all age groups and make playing fun games a part of everyone’s daily routine. On their app named TimePass, users can discover and play games without any additional download for each game.
Speaking of the platform, the founders said “We are making Bharat discover and play the world’s best, most simple, fun and innovative games! Imagine a video game arcade, which has 1000s of games to choose from and you can start playing with a single tap, all in one single app.”
Currently, the app has over 20 games and is adding new games every week. The company has started working with game developers and studios as well to on-board their games onto the TimePass app.
“Our goal is to become a TikTok like platform for hyper-casual/casual games and empower game developers and studios to publish their instant games on our platform and get distribution right away and earn with the revenue share. In next 3-5 years we wish to have over 100M monthly active gamers on out platform. Built in India, Built for Bharat,” added the founders.
Speaking on the investment, Rohit Krishna, General Partner, WEH Ventures said “Except gaming, almost all other content categories have platforms that focus on personalized, infinite scrolls. We think Rahul and Sourav have great chemistry and complementary skills to build a ‘TikTok for gaming’ platform for Bharat”