The first gameplay trailer of Indus, the highly anticipated Made-in-India battle royale game, is now out. The game is being developed by the Pune-based game studio, SuperGaming. The company has also made a listing for the upcoming game on Google Play Store. While the trailer released this year on the Republic Day the announcement for the game was done last year at Times Square in New York city on the Indian Independence Day.
In addition to providing a glance at the fictitious universe of “Virlok,” the new teaser also establishes the tempo of the action-packed gameplay that Indus promises. The trailer does show the “Pre-Alpha” stage of development which indicates that the game still needs refining and graphical enhancements.
The trailer also revealed different locations inspired by Indian culture and shows a glimpse of the fast-paced gameplay. People can pick different characters called “Paragon” and dive into the game.
“As we’ve been making Indus and seeing its gameplay evolve over the year, we wanted to share it with the rest of the world. This gameplay trailer is for the Indus community the world over that may not have been able to play it with us, and to show off the true scale of Battle Royale that we want you to have when the game is out,” said Roby John, co-founder and CEO of SuperGaming, as quoted by IGN India.
The game is currently available for pre-registration on all Android devices on the Google Play Store. The iOS pre-registration is soon to follow. Additionally, the SuperGaming also revealed that it will hold a number of “community playtests” in 2023 prior to the game’s debut.
Playtests allow Battle Royale players to directly communicate with the creators and offer their opinions on several elements of the game. This helps in improving the overall experience and gameplay for everyone.
With the rise of the AVGC sector and all the support India-based game developers are receiving, enthusiasts can expect to see more games in future depicting Indian culture and mythology.