S8UL Esports, known for its dominance in the Indian esports scene, has secured a position in the upcoming Pokémon UNITE World Championship 2024. Following their success in the India Qualifier hosted by Skyesports, the team is set to represent the nation on the global stage in Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
The final of the Pokémon UNITE WCS2024 – India Qualifier unfolded on May 11 and 12, featuring eight top-tier teams battling fiercely for the opportunity to showcase their skills internationally. S8UL Esports emerged as the winners, competing against opponents like Zenigame Squad and GodLike Esports.
In addition to participating in the World Championship, S8UL Esports is positioned to claim a share of the $500,000 prize pool, with $15,000 secured from the India Qualifiers’ $37,500 bounty.
The roster representing S8UL Esports in the Pokémon UNITE World Championship comprises of a strong lineup of players:
– Manmohan “S8ULAllmight” Singh
– Rahul “S8UL Kyurem” Sharad Lavhate
– Rudra “S8UL Rex” Narayan Nayak
– Adnan” S8UL.Badshah” Badshah
– Deep “S8UL.Snowyy” Patel
Reflecting on their victory and the prospect of representing India on the global stage, S8ULAllmight expressed satisfaction with their team’s performance among increasingly fierce competition in the Indian esports landscape. “This is the second time we will be competing in the Pokémon UNITE World Championship, but this time we are much better prepared to take on the teams in Honolulu, Hawaii,” stated S8ULAllmight. He added, “We hope they qualify so we can get our revenge this time,” hinting at a desire to face off against previous adversaries.
The upcoming championship holds significance for S8UL Esports, as they aim to surpass their previous performance. Despite reaching the World Championship last year, the team faced early elimination in the group stage. However, armed with a more seasoned roster, they are all set to make an impact in this year’s tournament, scheduled from Aug. 16 to 18.