S8UL Esports, known for its dominance in the Indian esports scene, has secured a position in the upcoming Pokémon UNITE World Championship 2024. Following...
India's esports scene receives a boost as Skyesports, launches the Pokémon UNITE World Championship 2024 India Qualifier. With a prize pool of $37,500, this...
The grand finale for Pokémon UNITE India Championship wrapped up yesterday (4 June) with Team S8UL taking securing first position between 13 others. FS...
Skyesports is bringing another Pokémon Unite tournament, with the top four teams of India battling it for the title of champions. The AMD Skyesports...
India’s first-ever LAN tournament for pokemon unite is being organized by Crowd Control Esports in partnership with “VOAX” and “Glance.” It is the first-ever...