Nagpur police, investigating the online gambling fraud case involving DiamondExchange bookie Sontu Jain, have seized Rs 70 lakh in cash along with 2.4 kg gold from one of the six search locations in Gondia district today. The place from where the assets were seized reportedly belongs to a doctor.
In the adjoining Bhandara district, a similar operation is also being carried out by the police at the residence of a bank employee. However, nothing has been seized as of now, a police official revealed during a press conference.
Talking to the press, Commissioner of Police (CP) Amitesh Kumar revealed that the search operations in all seven locations are part of the recent Rs 58 crore online gambling fraud case. After the assets were recovered, a case has been registered under sections 409, 420, and 120(B) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) at the Gittikhadan police station in Nagpur today.
The main accused in the case, Anant Jain alias Sontu Gondia, is currently under police custody and is being interrogated for further information. Sontu recently revealed names of few others who are also involved in the matter. The police though have not disclosed those names to the media or the public yet.
However, after the recent search operations, Kumar shed some light on the matter revealing that after Sontu’s house was raided, he conspired with few associates and family members to open new bank lockers to transfer assets.
“Before the police could access the bank lockers belonging to his family, Jain allegedly conspired with the bank’s official Ankesh Khandelwal and Dr Gaurav Bagga and his wife, all residents of Gondia. On July 27, three bank lockers were opened in the name of Dr Bagga, and cash and gold from the Jain family’s lockers were transferred into these newly-opened lockers,” Kumar said as per a PTI release.
The cash and other assets were then later moved to another location. It is believed that Sontu has defrauded others, too, apart from the Nagpur-based businessman Vikrant Agrawal, to partake in online gambling to earn huge profits.