Tamil Nadu Law Minister Raghupathi on Monday said there is a need for national level legislation against online rummy and other games played for stakes. He made these comments while launching the application process for the year 2022-23 for the 5-year law courses taught in all Government Law Colleges affiliated to Dr. Ambedkar Law University at the Law University campus in Taramani.
“A committee has been formed and recommendations have been made regarding the ban on online rummy. Examining those recommendations, it is clear that this is not something that the Tamil Nadu government can do alone. Even if it is banned in Tamil Nadu, there is a chance to play even from neighboring states,” he was quoted saying by the local media.
PMK seeks status of rummy ban ordinance
PMK president and Rajya Sabha member Dr Anbumani Ramadoss on Saturday sought a clarification from the state government on the status of the proposed ordinance to ban online rummy in the state.
The Tamil Nadu cabinet on 27 June reportedly discussed on banning gaming for stakes through an ordinance. However, there has been no update on the issue since then.
Expressing disappointment at the government delaying the promulgation of the ordinance even 12 days after the expert committee tabled its report on the same, Anbumani said, “Tamil Nadu government has admitted to all the evils of online rummy. It should not give room for any second thought or hesitation on the issue now.”
Currently, the decisions by Karnataka and Madras High Courts quashing online gaming ban laws are under challenge before the Supreme Court.