Amazon Prime Gaming has been launched in India officially after a blunder few weeks back with the website displaying the announcement. The banner was quickly taken down after people started announcing it on social media.
The slip-up earlier paved the way for varied speculation and rumours of the official release dates of the service. Previously, only the Amazon Prime service was available in India and the gaming aspect was only limited to mobile devices with almost no reference to original Prime Gaming.
With the official release of Prime Gaming, the Indian subscribers can take full advantage of the gaming service. Gaming fans had been waiting for the service for more than a year now as it provides several games for free on a monthly basis along with a host of in-game rewards.
With the release, the service is currently offering rewards for games like Call of Duty: Warzone 2 and Modern Warfare 2, FIFA, Valorant, Destiny2 and many more games. The service is also offering free games for a limited time which include –
Desert Child
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons
Banners of Ruin
Rose Riddle 2: Werewolf Shadow
The Amazing American Circus
Doors Paradox
According to the website, people who already subscribe to Amazon Prime can avail Prime Gaming straightaway without spending more.
There has been no official statement so far from Amazon about the launch. People are dubbing it as a “silent launch” but an official announcement may follow soon.
A long-time industry analyst, Rishi Alwani said to TechCrunch, “It would expose Indian PC gamers with Prime subscriptions to a variety of content they would not necessarily have gravitated towards. By and large, the Indian PC games space is value-driven permeated by either big budget ‘safe’ AAA fare like GTA 5 or free-to-play shooters like Valorant. Prime Gaming brings in a varied, curated selection of genres and titles that many may have not even considered to pick up and play otherwise such as Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.”
“Throw in in-game content for popular titles like Modern Warfare 2 and Apex Legends and it’s pretty obvious that Amazon India’s at that phase where it is looking at gaming to retain its burgeoning Prime subscriber base,” he added.