According to The HP India Gaming Landscape Study 2022, two-thirds of respondents are eager to consider gaming as a profession. Indian gamers are demonstrating a high interest in a career in gaming. Over 2,000 respondents from 14 Indian cities were included in the survey. Indian gamers are being encouraged to explore a variety of job opportunities thanks to the country’s booming gaming industry. Although becoming a gamer is still the most popular option, other choices include becoming an influencer or a gaming software developer.
The majority of the women who responded claimed they are considering careers in gaming. Only 2% of respondents, according to the report, had formal gaming training. While the majority of gamers improve their own skills to develop their gaming performance, 32% choose to follow a gaming celebrity to do so. The PC continued to be the most popular gaming device in India according to the second edition of HP’s Gaming Study. As PCs provide superior processors, designs, and graphics with immersive screens, an overwhelming 68% of gamers choose them.
“As the gaming industry in India evolves, it is promising to see gaming being considered as a career option. The PC gaming landscape in India offers a tremendous opportunity for the youth and we, at HP, are committed to support gamers in their journey by providing knowledge, tools, and opportunities to upskill and help them become better at their game,” Vickram Bedi, Senior Director, Personal Systems, HP India market.
As gaming becomes more popular, 56% of female gamers are now thinking about a full or part-time career in the industry. 50% of female gamers want to transform their passion into a career, which would offer considerable financial opportunities (45 percent).
As per the study becoming a player is still their favorite career path, but they are also interested in becoming influencers or software developers in the gaming industry. In addition to being a source of enjoyment and relaxation (92%), enhancing mental agility (58%), and socializing, gaming is also thought to be (52 percent).
“The PC gaming landscape in India offers a tremendous opportunity for the youth and we, at HP, are committed to support gamers in their journey by providing knowledge, tools, and opportunities to upskill and help them become better at their game through OMEN community initiatives,” Vickram Bedi added.
As 39% of mobile players plan to transition to a PC for gaming, the advantages of PC gaming are also convincing them to make the leap.
“The strong preference for PC gaming represents a massive business opportunity for us. We remain focused to engineer the best experiences based on user insights to enable a holistic and advanced gaming ecosystem in India,” said Bedi.