
5 Most Popular AAA Horror Games

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5. Alien Isolation

Alien Isolation is another great corridor survival horror game like Outlast but it takes place in space. It is loosely connected to the story of popular horror movie franchise Alien and is set 15 years from the events shown in the movie.

The story follows Amanda Ripley, daughter of Ellen Ripley from the Alien movies, who receives information about the flight recorder from her mother’s spaceship and sets off to a space station, Sevastopol, to find out her whereabouts. However, upon arriving, they find out that something is wrong on the space station.

The environment might resemble games like Dead Space but is far more different with no weapons to actually defeat the one hunting you, the Xenomorph. The players cannot actually kill the creature, so they have to hide, but beware, the AI in the game is programmed to sense player gameplay patterns and will check lockers and try to push you into dead zones.

All in all, the game provides a great heart-pounding experience and is definitely recommended for people who love survival horror genre games.

Players wanting to try out the game can get it here for PS4.
